On June 8th, the USGBC Colorado’s Northern Branch celebrated the completion of the Fort Collins Utilities Administration Building, which is Colorado’s first completed LEED v4 Platinum project. Click here for full details about the event.
LightStanza was the LEED Daylight Compliance software for the project, helping the team achieve LEED Platinum level. The software produced results with too much glare when only clear glass was used on the model, so the RNL Design team chose and applied Daylight Redirecting Film in LightStanza to help the building achieve LEED daylight credits.
LightStanza rendering of the Fort Collins Utilities Administration Building Fort Collins Utilities Administration Building 3D model in LightStanza, showing illuminance values with regular clear glass Above is the completed Utilities Administration Building, showing the real-life performance overhangs that were tested in LightStanza Here you can see two different daylight strategies being used in the building’s kitchen area. Overhangs were used throughout the building’s exterior, while redirecting light louvers redirected light upwards and into the space throughout conference and open office areas