Daylight analysis Videos

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Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGUpload a Model

  • Using the + icon on the top of your screen to import a new file
  • Different file types that can be imported into LightStanza

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGRun Bulk Simulations in LightStanza

  • Starting from the home folders page where you have all your designs you can click the check mark in the bottom left hand corner to include it in your bulk simulation
  • All new simulations are listed in the activity bar following completion

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGUse the Materials Panel

  • Using the paint bucket from the tool bar on the left you able to view the materials in your drawing
  • Can edit the material within the panel as well as adding new material to your drawing
  • Shows the reflectance value of each material

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGSimulate a Rendering/Animation

  • Use the view points you created in your Sketchup model or create your own view
  • Use the activity bar and click new to run a rendering
  • How to change the settings when rendering

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGShare Results

  • Ability to share full designs, 3D reports and 2D reports
  • Can share the designs either in the view only mode or allow them access to edit your design

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGNavigate the 3D Viewer

  • How to use the tool bar at the top when in the 3D viewer
  • Demonstrates how to use the share button and to import a new drawing
  • Also how to use the commands such as orbit to navigate through your space

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGUse the Comparison Tool in LightStanza

  • Ability to compare the performances of different daylight strategies
  • Comparison button can be found at the top of your activity bar
  • Splits your screen into two then you can choose any simulation to compare from your activity panel

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGUse the Blinds Panel

  • Blinds tool is similar to the material tool. Both found in your panel on the left
  • Using the paint bucket under the blinds section you have the ability to assign different types of blinds to your space
  • Ability to have the blinds always open, always closed or operate dynamically

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGSimulate Point-in-Time Grid Illuminance

  • Navigate to the activity panel and click new then grid calculation
    • When doing a single point in time you have the ability to change the time and the date of the simulation
    • When doing a simulation for one day you choose the date as well as the time range for the simulation to run. This creates a daylight animation.


Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGDownload Results

  • Renderings and animations can be downloaded from the 3D viewer and the report
  • Downloads come in as a zip file containing many different file formats

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGCommenting in LightStanza

  • Using the activity board you can write notes to yourself, collogues or to customer support
  • You can use the + sign to tag people directly to your comments or questions
    • can tag people who don’t use LightStanza however they will be in a view only mode and can’t make edits

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGUse the Viewpoints Panel

  • Using the camera, which can be accessed on the left hand tool bar you have the ability to view all the scenes that you have created or that have been set up in your Sketchup model
  • This can only be used when you are in the 3D viewer

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGUse the Layers Panel

  • Using the layers panel you have the ability to turn layers on and off
  • Layer is highlighted in the drawing when mousse hovers over

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGSimulate Annual Grid Illuminance

  • Two types of illuminance grids point in time and annual
  • Using the activity bar click new then annual illuminance from there you can change your settings

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGView Renderings and Use Camera Tools

  • How to use the different tools when in render mode such as rendering, false color, and contour lines
  • How to use the illuminance bounds and the log scale

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGHow to Work with Multiple Design Options in LightStanza

  • Ability to add different objects and materials to the space and compare which works best for the space
  • Can use the activity panel to show your model edits and rename for the two new instances

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGUse the Illuminance Grids Panel

  • Illuminance grids are the surface at which you measure daylight
  • Ability to be created as horizontal or vertical
  • Illuminance grids can be found in the panel on the left of your screen

Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGUse the Site Panel

  • Site panel which is located on the left side of your screen can be used to change the location and orientation of the site
  • When the address is changed LightStanza is able to locate a new climate station that is closest to the model (useful when using climate dating in simulation)


Youtube Logo PNG, Youtube Logo Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGSimulate a LEED Scorecard

  • LightStanza allows you to generate a USGBC compliant LEED score cards
  • Use only the occupied spaces when running this calc
  • Navigate to the activity panel and click ‘new’ then ‘LEED scorecard’
  • Point spacing must be 2′ for a LEED calculation