trust us
LightStanza was founded in 2015 by a leading expert in the field who participates in technical standards committees.
Get accurate results
Unlike our competitors, Lightstanza uses best practices for accurate daylight simulation using the RADIANCE engine. LightStanza's results are cited as gold-standard.

Here are some potential advantages:
Calculate true sDA
Calculate true sDA with proper blind controls, wall thickness and detailed models
Iterate Quickly with Painless Analysis
Create dozens of one-click LEED option 1 and option 2 report cards to optimize scores
Use Analysis in 3D to Improve Design
Get a spatial understanding of your LEED scores. Quickly share your design in 3D with colleagues or clients
Trust the Results
Feel confident in your results, as LightStanza is the only program to use IES standard LM-83, and is trusted by USGBC.
Need some LEED guidance?
Click to View:
How to Calculate and Improve sDA and ASE Scores Using LEED Option 1
From Greenbuild 2018 Speaker Session by Daniel Glaser, PhD and fellow speakers. Click to view the Public Excerpt - Slides & Webinar
Need analysis for a different standard?
LightStanza supports customizable annual calculations that enable compliance with many lighting standards around the world

European Standard Compliance (prEN17037)
✓ The only software tool on the market that can quickly and accurately compute a daylight report card which includes sDA with required daylight hours

Obtain WELL v2 prerequisites and credits easily
✓ ASE calculator helps you obtain: L04: Glare Control
✓ sDA calculator helps you obtain: L01: Light Exposure & Education and L05: Enhanced Daylight Access

Download raw data for compliance analysis for:
- BREAM Standard (Europe)
- CHPS Standard (US) – Collaborative for High Performance Schools
- EFA Daylight Design (UK) – Education Funding Agency
- Israeli Standard 5281 (Israel)
- and many more…
Reach out to us for help on using LightStanza to meet your specific standard by emailing support@ec2-3-84-153-223.compute-1.amazonaws.com