You can trust LightStanza to help reach your daylighting goals
LightStaza is proven within 4% accuracy as demonstrated with a Research Study*. Hence it can be trusted to deliver correct results for clients. LightStanza is more accurate than any other tool on the market! Having an accurate tool will improve design decisions, boost confidence when talking to clients, and deliver a project with a high quality daylight with all of its benefits.

LightStanza Just Works!

...The Competition Doesn't

Unlike our competitors, Lightstanza uses best practices for accurate daylight simulation using the RADIANCE engine. LightStanza's results are cited as gold-standard.
LightStanza was founded in 2015 by a leading expert in the field who participates in technical standards committees.
LightStanza’s gives you real data you can trust so you can enjoy the benefits of daylight.
In this example Autodesk Insight predicts daylight in windowless closets. It predicts the same amount of light outside the closet too (20%)!
There are no industry-wide tests for daylight accuracy
Our Competition exploits an unregulated Industry!
Studies have questioned accuracy of several tools
Read here for more details on Autodesk Insight compared to LightStanza
LightStanza was Built for Reliability and Accuracy that Leading Firms Trust
LightStanza was founded in 2015 by a leading technical expert in the field. Other Industry Lighting tools may be less helpful.
FSB Architects and engineers renovated the Oklahoma City capital dome using Lightstanza to meet their lighting analysis needs! They used the software to find an energy efficient way to light the dome. Lightstanza helped calculate the building’s complex geometry and place fixtures along the wall to illuminate the dome.